We actively promote a healthy lifestyle which includes eating well, exercising and resting. Children are provided with healthy balanced meals and are encouraged to spend time outside each day. We play in the garden, taking out activities and sometimes picnics! We visit the local park to climb, swing, slide, run and play with balls. We go for walks and explore the local environment.
Children develop good hygiene practices such as washing hands before meals and after using the toilet. We have a rest period each day where children can nap or play quietly with books, puzzles or treasure baskets.
We actively promote a healthy lifestyle which includes eating well, exercising and resting. Children are provided with healthy balanced meals and are encouraged to spend time outside each day. We play in the garden, taking out activities and sometimes picnics! We visit the local park to climb, swing, slide, run and play with balls. We go for walks and explore the local environment.
Children develop good hygiene practices such as washing hands before meals and after using the toilet. We have a rest period each day where children can nap or play quietly with books, puzzles or treasure baskets.
As an Early Years Provider we offer excellent quality learning opportunities which support and extend each individual child's social and intellectual development. All our learning occurs through play activities and is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum for children aged between 0 and 5 years which is used in Pre-Schools and Reception classes.
This supports children in the following areas:
Personal Social Emotional Development
We support the children to develop positive attitudes and good behaviour. It is improve that each child is treated as individual, each child is given love, care and individual attention. Children are given time to talk and are listened to. We share our toys and work together on activities. Children develop their self-esteem by giving them praise and celebrating their successes. I reward positive behaviour and good manners.
Physical Development
We actively promote a healthy lifestyle which includes eating well, exercising and resting. Children are provided with healthy balanced meals and are encouraged to spend time outside each day. We play in the garden, taking out activities and sometimes picnics! We visit the local park to climb, swing, slide, run and play with balls. We go for walks and explore the local environment.
Children develop good hygiene practices such as washing hands before meals and after using the toilet. We have a rest period each day where children can nap or play quietly with books, puzzles or treasure baskets.
Communication and Language
We use dialogue and conversation both one-to-one and in small groups to support development, communication skills and extending our vocabulary. We read and enjoy stories and rhymes from books and tapes and re-enact them in play. We play alphabet, phonic and word games and look for written language in the world around us. We explore with mark marking and improve our hand and eye coordination which will help us write when we are older. We are well equipped to help children with speech and language difficulties and have the benefit of Elklan training.
We have fun with stories; we use our story sacks to bring the fun to life. We provide a variety of books, factual, comics, and fairy tales. We have our own story den under the stairs where we can listen to stories on our headphones whilst snuggling into the cushions. We use various forms of text, we make and follow treasure maps, use the computers, story boards and sequencing cards.
Understanding of the World
Most of a young child's life involves learning about the world around them.
We talk about how things work and why things happen. We enjoy cooking and playing with various materials. We observe the natural world outside experiencing different seasons and hunting for mini-beasts! We explore with sand and water and build and construct. We learn about living in a community and experience different festivals.
Expressive Art and Design
We love to explore with art and craft activities, producing masterpieces for our proud parents! We draw, paint, construct, cut, stick and print on both small and large scales! We are very imaginative and like to dress up and create pretend worlds. We play at being chefs in the kitchen or carpenters at the work bench! We love singing songs and rhymes and making music with instruments.
We believe children learn in different ways and all have different interests. We therefore plan our activities and resources for each individual child. We observe our children playing and use these observations to plan the best possible learning opportunities.
We provide parents with online Learning Journeys which include photographs and observations of their children. Parents are always welcome to come and chat to us about their child's development. This information is very much welcomed by parents who enjoy seeing how their child is progressing.